Customer: Caribou Biofuels, Inc.
Industry: Clean Energy
HQ: Modesto, CA and Cobleskill, NY
Caribou Biofuels, Inc. has developed an innovative waste-to-energy technology, the Inclined Rotary Gasifier (IRG). Their solution is feedstock flexible, compact, and mobile, and produces valuable outputs including liquid biofuel and sequestered carbon products. With applications for a variety of industries and in alignment with global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals, the IRG earned early support from leading government entities including the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
To support this new technology deployment, Caribou needed to train a growing team of IRG operators. They were expanding their internal team as well as acquiring new partners, who also required training. The IRG is designed to be deployed in remote environments – such as forests, farms, and military bases – so they needed a training solution that could function efficiently.
iZen Solution:
iZen proposed a plan to develop a custom training course for IRG operators that could be deployed via the iZen-LEAP (Learning Engagement and Access Platform), with no need for Internet or computers. A comprehensive 4-module course, with multi-modal content in English and Spanish, was developed to teach the basic concepts, starting with “Introduction to Gasification,” as well as more applied concepts such as “Technology Applications & Real-World Impact.” Hands-on, simulator-style learning activities were used to engage learners, particularly for modules related to safety protocols and the operator’s guide for Caribou’s trailer-mounted biorefinery. The program was developed and delivered by iZen, with the help of Caribou’s staff, including the company’s Chief Technology Officer and Lead Mechanical Engineer. The course was designed to train individuals already employed by Caribou and/or their partners as well as individuals who desire to enter the clean energy field.
iZen Tools Used:
- iZen’s LEAP (Learning Engagement and Access Program), which includes a robust LMS with various tools and training programs
- Custom Content Development: “Mobile Biorefinery” course
Courseware Developed & Delivered By:
Caribou Biofuels team: Dr. Blake Simmons, CTO; Kieran Mitchell, CEO; and David Connolly, Lead Mechanical Engineer
Caribou Biofuels and iZen worked collaboratively to create a multi-module custom course, that includes interactive elements ranging from knowledge checks, quizzes, and exams to games and simulators. Caribou Biofuels is a rapidly growing startup that has implemented this course as part of their new hire onboarding as well as with their partners across various industries and applications including wildfire prevention and mitigation, defense and emergency response management, food and agriculture, and waste management. Whether learners were in the office or the field, they were able to utilize this training course.
We have numerous customers across multiple industries and states. After our pitch, we are always asked ‘but, how?’ Explaining the system without going too technical and losing people in the process is a challenge all companies face. This course really helps us walk that tight rope.

Even training experienced, well-seasoned engineers and technicians is a challenge on a new technology. Where do you start? I am delighted that iZen has created a training course that comprehensively covers our technical knowledge in a concise, efficient way. I am thankful, to say the least, for all the time saved in training new team members that join our team!