Artifical Intelligence: Introduction, Applications, and Implications
- 100% Online, Self-directed
- High demand for certified professionals
- 8 Quizzes
Instructor: Dr. Raju Pandey
https: //academy.izen.ai
Email: [email protected]

We are in the “Cognitive Era”, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is beginning to transform the way we live, work and do everything. It is already a part of our everyday life, though we may not notice it. While many are excited about it, a few are worried. As a matter of fact, nations are vying for a leadership position in AI technologies and applications.
AI is not about building smart machines to replace humans. RATHER, it is about building smarter organizations, and smart solutions that a human brain cannot comprehend. It is primarily about “Collective Intelligence” or combining AI along with human intelligence to solve real-life problems for human empowerment.

Corporations are
aggressively adapting
to AI wave and hence
hiring and developing

Demand for qualified AI
talent far exceeds supply.
That means less
competition and more
pay for trained-people.

According to World Economic
Forum, automation will
generate 133 million new jobs
by 2022 and these jobs are not
going away anytime soon.
This course gives you an introduction to AI, elements of AI, their applications, case studies, business implications and the future of AI. With a solid foundation, you can build expertise to align yourself with the ever so changing world.

- Demand for AI talent is exploding. Future-proof your career by developing AI skills
- Learn AI from a federation of experts with decades of experience in academia
and also in various Silicon Valley industries
- Learn by watching interviews with several experts in various sub-domains of AI-ML
- Real-life case-studies and use-cases to give you practical insights
- Get a certificate in “AI – Introduction, Applications and Implications”

- Anyone interested in an online certification course in AI and develop AI awareness
- A student seeking employment, by building a foundation in AI
- An employee interested in re-skilling or upskilling for a career growth
- A teacher interested in becoming a trainer in AI
- A manager wanting to unlock new opportunities or to bring AI into their products and offerings
- Basic knowledge of computers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a foundational technology for building the next generation of applications in industries starting from healthcare to financials to retail. No industry or sector is untouched by the potential of AI algorithms and tools.
- Natural Intelligence
- What is Artificial Intelligence?
- The History of AI
- Types and Elements of AI
- Why should you learn AI?
- Machine Learning vs. Traditional systems
- What is Learning? Types of Learning
- What is Machine Learning?
- Machine Learning vs. AI/Data-Science/Statistics/HumanLearning / Classic-programming
- Deep Learning and Neural Networks
- What is NLP?
- Why should you learn NLP?
- Key elements of NLP
- Progress, challenges and evolution
- Rule-based and ML-based NLP
- Applications of NLP
- Making machines “see”
- History of computer-vision
- Science and Technology of computer vision
- Applications of computer vision
- What are Robots? History of Robots
- What is Robotics?
- AI and Robotics
- How do Robots work?
- Progress and challenges of Robotics
- Various applications of Robotics
- Human-Robot Interactions, Laws of Robotics
- Singularity Vs. Multiplicity
- Autonomous Vehicles: How do they work? Evolution and adoption barriers, Implications
- Gaming: Chess and AI (Deep-Blue, DeepMind, Alphazero)
- Learning and Development
- Other Applications: Agriculture, Healthcare, Customer-support, Legal, HR, Finance
- AI strategies for the leadership
- Future evolution of AI
- Implications of AI: Man Vs. Machine
- Computational Ethics

Dr. Raju Pandey is a Professor Emeritus in the Computer Science department at the University of California at Davis, where he developed and taught graduate and undergraduate courses in programming languages, operating systems, distributed systems, Internet of Things, Wireless sensor networks, Web-based systems, and compilers. He is also the CEO and founder of Thinking Books, a software Infrastructure and Tools company. Dr. Pandey has a deep interest in math and computer science education and has developed novel interactive methods and tools for teaching both algorithmic and system aspects of Computer Science courses.
- Dr. Pandey’s first startup, SynapSense, was a pioneering IoT company, later acquired by Panduit.
- His research and entrepreneurial interests lie in AI, Programming Languages, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Cloud, Security, and Privacy. Specifically, his interests are driven by the need to build software systems that are easier to build, analyze and deploy.
- In this regard, he has developed a novel software platform for building multi-platform AI, Blockchain, Mobile, and IoT applications. The platform includes a next-generation programming language, Ankur, that Dr. Pandey has designed and implemented. The platform will enable development of AI applications in which both algorithm-driven (deterministic) and data-driven (non-deterministic) components of AI applications can be integrated seamlessly.
- In addition, he consults extensively with companies on AI, Blockchain, IoT, Cloud, Mobile Computing, and Distributed Systems.
- He has published 40+ papers in conferences and journals and holds 16+ patents in software, visualization, wireless networks, data analytics, security, and control systems.
- Dr. Pandey holds a B.Tech. degree in Computer Science from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Kharagpur, and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin.

- Online using desktop, laptop or mobile devices
- Learn at your own convenient time, and pace
- Video lectures delivered from a cloud LMS platform
- Quizzes are given remotely
- Hands-on projects, and industry case studies for the reinforcement of the learning

- 6 weeks, around 5 hours per week, or a total of 30 hours
- Rolling enrolment allows you to start the course any time